Horned Lark
Eremophila alpestris
Synopsis: Nests widely on open, bare ground in eastern Oregon, and more locally in western Oregon. Most notable are the records from the northern Oregon coast, southern Willamette Valley, and Crater Lake areas.

Habitat Associations:
Sagebrush Steppe (5128256 acres)
Low-Dwarf Sagebrush (432577 acres)
Salt Desert Scrub Shrubland (501197 acres)
Northeast Modified Grassland (845554 acres)
Seasonally Wet Playa (121879 acres)
Edges of Cropland/Pasture/Orchard (4537816 acres)
Big Sagebrush Shrubland (11878080 acres)
Grassland & Fir-Ponderosa Interspersed (203415 acres)
Lava/Pumice with Widely Scattered Trees/Shrubs (100386 acres)
W. Juniper Woodland (3038856 acres)
Alpine Rock & Snowfield with Widely Scattered Shrubs (44927 acres)

Relative Detectability: Easy to detect by sight and song, and fairly easy to find its nest, which generally is placed on the ground.

Challenge: Determine if this species still breeds in alpine and subalpine meadows of the Cascades, in Rogue-Umpqua Valleys, and in northern Harney County.